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Roamn Ranch AQ Mirabella

      Sire:Old Mountain Farm Anthony Quinn*B  
Dam:Wildwind Farm Mardi Gras

ADGA# PD2300680
DOB: 03/06/23

About Bella

Bella is such a wonderful doe, she is also very correct, deep bodied and wide.  This doe comes from some of the highest quality bloodlines in Nigerians... Woodbridge Farm, Old Mountain Farm, Promisedland and Wildwind Farm.

Her grandam is SG Old Mountain Farm Mila Quinn 4*M VEEE 90 who is such a correct and stunning doe with such a beautiful udder!

Bella freshened with an outstanding udder, I cannot wait to get her shaved and on milk test!  She is definitely producing up there with the 2 fresheners!

S: Old Mountain Farm Anthony Quinn *B

SS: Old Mountain Farm Stag Knight *B

SD: SG Old Mountain Farm Mila Quinn 4*M               VEEE 90 

SDS: Old Mountain Farm Cernunnos

SDD: CH Old Mountain Farm Natasha

SSS: SG Old Mountain Farm Stag ++*B

SSD: SG NC PromisedLand Nemesis 2*M 


​D: Wildwind Farm Mardi Gras

DS: Wood Bridge Farm Topoftheclass

DD: Wildwind Farm QQ MTN Chickadee

DSS: Old Mountain Farm Cyrus Quinn +*B

         (2018 1st place Get of Sire)

DSD: GCH Woodbridge Farm Teacher's Pet 1*M

DDS: CH Old MOuntain Farm QuentinQuinn*B

DDD: CH Wild Wind Farm PAL Rose Bouquet



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