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Baby Angel Acres M Lola

    Sire: Baumgartner Acres MacKenzie
Dam: Stratton Creek T Maybach 3*M

ADGA# PD2325670
DOB: 06/03/2023

About Lola

What can I say about this doe!  Lola and her sister were born with the most loving personalities!  They are calm and sweet without being needy or in you pocket.  They will patiently wait to be loved on as for as long as it takes.  Lola resembles her dam so much, but is wider and deeper at such a young age.  Both Lola and Layla are very nicely proportioned, level, deep and wide!    Excitingly, both freshened with  gorgeous high and tight, well attached and capricious udders!  A very exciting start to Mackenzie's progeny! 


S: Baumgartner Acres MacKenzie
SS: Flat Rocks Blue Chrome
SD: 5 Fold Farm HB Ellie Mae
SSS: Flat Rocks Dobby
SSD: Flat Rocks Mythril Silver
SDS: SG Dill's B&R Hillybilly Bone+*B 
SDD: SG TX Twincreeks B Pretty Pyro

​D: Stratton Creek T Maybach 3*M VVVV87
DS: Elite Cedar View Tommaso +*B VVE88
DD: Dill's PD 80's Mercedes 2*M +VV+85
DSS: Cedar View Priceless*B
DSD: Cedar View Queen Kachy 3*M
DDS: Dill's GA Pandemic +*B
DDD: Dill's XM Avalon 1*M


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