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Baby Angel Acres DB Lolita

      Sire: Stratton Creek T Doodle Bug 
Dam: Goats N Gunz O Benelli 3*M  GVVV85

ADGA# PD2325671
DOB: 05/13/2023

About Lita

Lolita is the daughter of Goats N Gunz O Benelli and Stratton Creek T Doodle Bug!  With this Combination of pedigree were hoping for some fabulous conformation and abundant milk production!  Lita freshened with a beautiful well attached udder!  

Sire: Stratton Creek T Doodle Bug

SS: Elite Cedar View Tommaso +*B VVE88

SD: Bull MNT. Elsie *M VEE+ 86

SSD: Cedar View Queen Kachy 3*M

SSS: Cedar View Priceless *B

DSS: Double Durango Cash and Carry

DDDD: AGS River Bottom's Liza

SSSD: SGCH Cedar View Isabella 4*M EEEE91

SSSS: SGCH J-Nels LY Cappuccino ++*B EEE91

SDDD: SGCH Elite Cedar View Fiorina 2*M VEVE89


Dam: Goats N Gunz O Benelli 3*M GVVV85

DS:Suitor's Lor Desert Storm

DD: Goats N Gunz DS Pretty Pistol +VV+83

DDS: Suitor's Lor Desert Storm +++83

DDD: Way Past Sweet Cherry Pie V+VV88



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