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Stratton Creek H April 1st

  Sire: Stratton Creek G Hobo *B
  Dam: Stratton Creek DS Ellie Mae *M


About Scarlet


Sire: Stratton Creek G Hobo 
SS: Flat Rock's SK Glorfindel VV+86
SD: Stratton Creek T Gypsy 2*M VVEV87
SSS: Dreahook Silver Key
SSD: Flat Rock's Winky
SDS: Cedar View Tommaso +*B VVE88
SDD: Suitor's BB Hippie Juice 1*M +V++83
Dam: Goats N Gunz DS Ellie Mae 1*M
DS: Suitor's LOR Desert Storm +++83
DD: J&M Farm D Tally-Ho
SS: Dill's TS Livin On The Rocks *B
DSD: Desert Bounty WB Fire and Ice  +V++84
DDS: Cadron Hill C Dusty
DDD: Double D Ranch Salida Del Sol


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